Workshop Report

B Physics at the Tevatron: Run II and Beyond

The writeup is published as Fermilab report FERMILAB-Pub-01/197, hep-ph/0201071
(For a copy of the report, send e-mail to Olivia Vizcarra)

The full report is:;  in 2-up form:  [6.0MB]

The source of all files is: report.uu  [4.6MB]


Frontmatter (i-xxix)
     Chapters: Send comments to:
1.: Theoretical Introduction (p.1-68) Uli, Andreas, Zoltan
2.: Common Experimental Issues (p.69-98) Rob
3.: The CDF Detector and Simulation Tools (p.99-110) Barry
4.: The D0 Detector and Simulation Tools (p.111-120) Rick
5.: The BTeV Detector and Simulation Tools (p.121-136) Rob
6.: WG1 (CP Violation) (p.137-240) Conveners
7.: WG2 (Rare and Semileptonic Decays) (p.241-330) Conveners
8.: WG3 (Mixing and Lifetimes) (p.331-440) Conveners
9.: WG4 (Production, Fragmentation, Spectroscopy) (p.441-538) Conveners
10.: Summary and Highlights (p.539-544) Andreas, Barry, Zoltan
Index (p.545-553)


Outline: The writeup will be published as a Fermilab report and be made available electronically.

Page limits are guesses at this point.

Latest changes in Bbook.sty:

6/21: minor changes when latexing all together
2/20: minor fixes...
9/11: Now the next item is "really" fixed...
8/27: Overfull \hbox (36.135pt too wide) error, which occured at figure and table captions fixed
8/22: Overfull \vbox (1.59999pt too high) error, which occured on every page fixed
6/24: \authorfootnote defined


Notations: Chapter 1 will use the following (comments please!)
Time evolution including the width difference; More conventions and notations

Some other issues:

Features: Bugs: If you find any, or if you have questions or comments, please let us know.

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     Last modified: 12/12/01 by ZL