Education: 1991-94 Ph.D. (Physics) Weizmann Institute of Science 1989-91 M.Sc. (Physics) Weizmann Institute of Science 1986-89 Eötvös University Academic positions: 2004- Senior Scientist Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 8/05-5/06 Visiting Research Scientist MIT, Center for Theoretical Physics 2000-2004 Division Fellow Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1998-2000 Associate Scientist Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 1997-1998 Postdoctoral University of California, San Diego (*) Research Physicist 1994-1997 Research Fellow California Institute of Technology
Even my high school has a homepage...
Research interests: theoretical particle physics, CP violation, heavy quarks
Recent talks / List of publications / Collaborators
"If I could remember the names of all these particles I'd be a botanist."
(Enrico Fermi)