4D Seminar: Yu-Dai Tsai (Fermilab) “New Models and Experiments at the High-Energy Intensity Frontier”
Here is a link for our virtual Sococo office https://app.sococo.com/meet/TheoryFukuKumar-2-3V5TZfWLZ1Z80412713 that will be active on Dec 16th. ——- I will give a general overview of experimental facilities with both high energies and high intensities, and how they can help explore dark matter models, complementary to astrophysical and cosmological searches. I will then talk about my new experimental proposals (FORMOSA, LongQuest, & … Read More
4D Seminar: Nicholas Rodd (UC Berkeley) “Searching for the Heaviest Particle in the Universe”
Abstract: If dark matter is a particle with a mass between the electroweak and Planck scale, we could detect it through its decays to high-energy cosmic rays. Testing this hypothesis requires a detailed understanding of the astrophysics of where these decays are occurring and the particle physics that dictates the spectra of produced cosmic rays. In this talk, I will describe … Read More
4D Seminar: Valerie Domcke (CERN) “Particle Production in the Early Universe”
Axion-like particles may play a key role in early universe cosmology. They are naturally equipped with the right properties to explain cosmic inflation, can dynamically explain the smallness of the electroweak scale, may be involved in the generation of the matter antimatter asymmetry and are promising dark matter candidates. In this talk I discuss a generic but previously overlooked particle … Read More
4D Seminar: Harikrishnan Ramani (Stanford) “Exothermic Detectors for Dark Matter”
Abstract: Well motivated models of dark matter such as inelastic dark matter and strongly interacting dark matter and other dark relics of stable particles are notoriously difficult to detect in direct detection experiments. This is due to their inability to impart large enough recoil energy in traditional methods of direct detection. In this talk, I propose a new paradigm for … Read More
4D Seminar: Masha Baryakhtar (NYU)
Simon Knapen (LBNL): Dark Matter Scattering in Dielectrics
I will discuss how to precisely compute the scattering rates of sub-GeV DM in dielectric targets, such as Si and Ge, accounting for collective effects such as screening etc.
Christopher Dessert – TBA
David Curtin (Toronto U.) – “A no-lose theorem for discovering the new physics of (g-2)”
Recent measurements by the Fermilab g-2 experiment seem to confirm the long-standing muon g-2 anomaly first measured by BNL. If theoretical and experimental progress in the coming years confirms the deviation from the Standard Model (SM) expectation, this would represent the first solid evidence of Beyond SM (BSM) physics. Over the years, many models have been proposed to account for … Read More
So Chigusa (UCB): Axion/Hidden-Photon Dark Matter Conversion into Condensed Matter Axion
Abstract: The QCD axion or axion-like particles are candidates of dark matter of the universe. On the other hand, axion-like excitations exist in certain condensed matter systems, which implies that there can be interactions of dark matter particles with condensed matter axions. We discuss the relationship between the condensed matter axion and a collective spin-wave excitation in an anti-ferromagnetic insulator … Read More
Eleanor Hall (UCB) – Non-perturbative methods for false vacuum decay
First-order phase transitions in the early universe could produce stochastic gravitational wave signals observable at future space-based observatories such as LISA; however, existing methods for predicting these signals are limited to weakly-coupled theories. In this talk, I present a new, nonperturbative formalism for false vacuum decay that integrates over local fluctuations in field space using the functional renormalization group. As … Read More