Event Category: 4D Seminar

4D Seminar series:
Monday at 2:30 on campus

Abstract: An excess of gamma ray photons detected by the Fermi-LAT satellite in the direction of the center of the Milky Way and accounting for roughly 10% of the total observed photons has proven to be rich ground for theoretical investigation for over a decade. During this same time, there have been qualitative improvements in our knowledge of high-energy local … Read More

Although many methods have been proposed to understand the dynamics of chiral gauge theories, each has its own set of issues. AMSB is a promising new technique that allows one to use the solvability of SUSY chiral theories and translate that in a standard way into non-susy theories. I will discuss how this new method works and apply it to … Read More

Abstract: I describe a reanalysis of data sets that have previously been found to harbor evidence for an unidentified X-ray line at 3.5 keV in order to quantify the robustness of earlier results that found significantevidence for a new X-ray line at this energy. The 3.5 keV line is intriguing in part because of possible connections to dark matter. We analyze … Read More

We study the decay rate of a false vacuum in gauge theory at the one-loop level. We give semi-analytic formulas of the decay rate paying particular attention to the treatment of zero modes and renormalization. Our formulation is applicable to the general gauge theories, where the bounce consists of an arbitrary number of scalar fields. As examples of application, we calculate the … Read More

Abstract:  The recent results from the Fermilab muon g − 2 experiment, as well as the persisting hints of lepton flavor universality violation in B-meson decays, present a very strong case for flavor-nonuniversal beyond the Standard Model physics. We will discuss some natural supersymmetric solutions. In particular, we will show that a minimal R-parity violating supersymmetric framework with relatively light third-generation sfermions (dubbed as ‘RPV3’) provides a simultaneous … Read More

Kaori Fuyuto (LANL) “Searching for new physics in violations of fundamental symmetries” Abstract: The Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics has successfully passed virtually every empirical test in the laboratory so far. However, there are still some major puzzles that cannot be explained by the SM in our Universe, e.g., the baryon asymmetry of the Universe, the existence of dark matter, … Read More

Nicholas Rodd (CERN) “Positivity and the Topography of the SMEFT”  Abstract: If the UV completion of the Standard Model (SM) is unitary, local, and causal, then a rigid structure emerges in the IR description of the physics provided by the SMEFT. In this talk I will outline how these restrictions emerge, describe how they apply to the SMEFT, and detail the … Read More

The multi-scale structure of gauge theories at colliders Abstract: The thorough search for new-physics phenomena at particle colliders relies deeply on increasingly precise theoretical calculations of complex observables that depend on multiple scales. The development of computational techniques in quantum field theories has so far met the demands of the experiments. However, a number of outstanding theoretical challenges have started … Read More

Abstract: Particles with masses of order Hubble during inflation create a distinct, oscillatory signal in the squeezed limit of the CMB bispectrum. A host of models have been studied that produce non-Gaussianities in this limit, with a goal of identifying targets for near-future probes of the CMB and large-scale structure. Yet fully leveraging this program, known as “cosmological collider” physics, as … Read More

Abstract: I will present a model of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) based on the low energy effective theory of supersymmetric QCD. Velocity dependent self interactions are achieved by a s-channel resonance in the non-relativistic limit generated by a mass ratio fixed by the flavor symmetry. The model is also fairly predictive; the dark matter mass would be required to be around … Read More