Gustavo Tavares (BU) “Non-abelian dark matter: collider physics and cosmology signatures” (Particle Seminars)
Cliff Cheung (Caltech) “Accidental Holomorphy in 4D EFTs” (Particle Seminars)
Tongyan Lin (U Chicago) “TBA” (Particle Seminars)
Anna Ijjas (Princeton) “New ways of generating scale-invariant perturbations in bouncing cosmologies” (Particle Seminars)
Ye Li (SLAC) “Parton Showering Fixed Order Calculation” (Particle Seminars)
Ennio Salvioni (UC Davis) “Phenomenology of induced electroweak symmetry breaking” (Particle Seminars)
Howie Haber (UCSC) “Constraints on the alignment limit of the MSSM Higgs sector” (Particle Seminars)
Bibhushan Shakya (U Michigan): “Neutrino Masses and Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter from the PeV Scale” (Particle Seminars)
Abstract: The Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV is suggestive of superpartners at the PeV scale. This talk discusses how new physics at this scale can also produce active neutrino masses via a modified, low energy seesaw mechanism and provide a sterile neutrino dark matter candidate with keV-GeV scale mass. These emerge in a straightforward manner if the right-handed neutrinos … Read More
Lauren Pearce (U Minnesota): “Leptogenesis During Post-Inflationary Higgs Relaxation” (Particle Seminars)
Andrew Long (Arizona State):”Probing the Relic Neutrino Background: Physics Potential of Direct Detection” (Particle Seminars)