Let’s see if this works?
Tracy Slatyer (MIT) “The Potential Dark Matter Signal in GeV Gamma-Rays from the Central Milky Way” (Particle Seminars)
NO SEMINAR (Particle Seminars)
Mark Wise (Caltech) “TBA” (Particle Seminars)
Maxim Pospelov (Perimeter & Victoria U), “TBA” (Particle Seminars)
Matt Strassler (Harvard): “TBA” (Particle Seminars)
Sally Dawsen (Brookhaven National Lab):”TBA” (Particle Seminars)
Andrew Larkoski (MIT) “TBA” (Particle Seminars)
Juan Rojo (Oxford):”The Structure of the Proton in the Higgs Boson era”
Josh Berger (SLAC): “Detecting Boosted Dark Matter from the Sun with Large Volume Neutrino Detectors”