Nima Lashkari (MIT) “A “hydrodynamic” approach to quantum information in chaotic systems”
Grant Remmen (Caltech) “Twofold Symmetries of the Pure Gravity Action”
Nathan Seiberg (IAS) “Duality in 2+1 dimensions”
Jared Kaplan (John Hopkins) “Black Holes and Information Loss in Two Dimensional CFT” SPECIAL LOCATION: 3 LECONTE
Tom Hartman (Cornell) “Causality and Universality at Strong Coupling”
Abstract: Causality imposes constraints on perturbative effective field theory, which have played a role in understanding scattering amplitudes, the a-theorem for renormalization group flows, and higher curvature corrections in quantum gravity. I will describe similar constraints on strongly interacting theories. In one limit, these constraints imply the averaged null energy condition, which links causality to the inequalities obeyed by quantum … Read More
Keshav Dasgupta (McGill) “Topological Field Theory and Knots from M-theory”
Abstarct: In this talk I’ll discuss how to arrive at a 3d topological field theory from geometry and fluxes in M-theory. I’ll also discuss the appearance of generalized Hitchin’s equation, surface operators and, time permitting, knots from our consideration.
Jennifer Lin (IAS) “Algebraic entanglement entropy and holography”
Spring Break
Arnab Rudra (UC Davis) “Type I/Heterotic Duality and M-theory amplitudes”
Abstract: Almost twenty years ago, Horava and Witten considered M theory on an orbifold and elucidated the interrelationships between various theories with ten-dimensional N = 1 supersymmetry. In this talk we will consider a variety of tree level and one loop Feynman diagrams describing four graviton and four gluon amplitude in eleven-dimensional supergravity in a Horava–Witten background compactified on a … Read More