Arvin Shabazi-Moghaddam (UC Berkeley) ” Singular inner horizons”
Abstract: An often overlooked problem in black hole physics is that the inner horizon of stationary black holes do not (generically) exist even in the equilibrium state (i.e. the Hartle-Hawking state), due to the divergence of quantum fields. Even though this behavior has been observed numerically in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions for free fields, a universal and analytic understanding of it is lacking. … Read More
Spencer Tamagni (UCB) “Quasimaps with monopoles and nonabelian shift operators”
Abstract: We revisit supersymmetric localization with monopole operators in 3D N=4 gauge theories, arriving at a new point of view on their quantized Coulomb branch algebras. Our construction agrees with and recovers the existing mathematical definition. We apply the machinery to define a nonabelian analog of shift operators in enumerative theory of quasimaps, and illustrate the construction in detail for … Read More
Ayngaran Thavanesan (Cambridge) “The Cosmological CPT Theorem”
Abstract In the original CPT theorem one is restricted to flat space and is unable to make converse statements. In this talk I will show how we can reformulate the CPT theorem using a symmetry argument and generalise it to beyond flat space. This in turn allows us to make a non-perturbative statement of unitarity in de Sitter. I will … Read More
Toby Opferkuch (UC Berkeley) “Musing with Muons: From Light New Physics at Mu3e to Neutron Star Dynamics”
In this talk, I’ll delve into recent work centred on muons, highlighting developments in two key areas: the Mu3e experiment’s search for light new particles and the study of muon behaviour in neutron stars. I’ll discuss how the Mu3e experiment is uniquely positioned to search for light new physics through resolving colinear electrons and positirons. For promptly decaying new resonances … Read More
Yegor Zenkevich [UC Berkeley] “Quantum toroidal algebras and spiralling branes”
The talk will consist of two parts. In the first, longer, part I will review the basics of quantum toroidal algebras and their representation theory focusing on the simplest example of type gl(1). I will also discuss the identification between the representations of the algebra and branes of Type IIB string theory, how brane interactions manifest themselves in this setup … Read More
Tony Menzo (University of Cincinnati) “Optimal transport and CP violation: Dalitz mover’s distance”
Abstract: I’ll discuss a new class of observables sensitive to CP violation in many-body meson decays utilizing the optimal transport metric known as the Earth Mover’s distance. Join Zoom Meeting (if you are not able to attend in person) Meeting ID: 996 0863 5159 Passcode: 489725
Andrey Smirnov (UNC) “Frobenius structures for quantum differential equations and mirror symmetry”
Abstract: There exists a well-known similarity between the Kloosterman sum in number theory and the Bessel differential equation. This connection was explained by B. Dwork in 70s by discovering the Frobenius structures in the p-adic theory of the Bessel differential equation. In my talk I will speculate that this connection extends to the equivariant quantum differential equations for a wide … Read More
4D Seminar: Giacomo Marocco (LBNL) “Optomechanical searches for dark nuclear decays”
Optically levitated dielectric spheres are quantum-limited impulse sensors. In this talk, I will discuss their potential to discover MeV-scale, invisible states emitted in nuclear decays, including sterile neutrinos, axions, or other nucleon-coupled scalars, as well as the possibility of carrying out precision tests of electroweak physics. I will also describe how manipulating the state of ingoing light can increase the … Read More
Michael Walter (Ruhr University Bochum) “Trading Space for Time in Nonlocal Games”
Abstract: Nonlocal games are a foundational tool in quantum information and complexity. They give an operational perspective on entanglement, which in turn has led to many protocols in settings with multiple spatially-separated quantum devices. A recent line of work initiated by Kalai et al (STOC’23) investigates to which extent spatial separation can be replaced by timelike separation, by using cryptography. … Read More
Dylan Butson (University of Oxford) “W-algebras, Yangians, and toric Calabi-Yau threefolds”
Abstract: I’ll recall some basics about Slodowy slices, generalized slices in the affine Grassmannian, and quantizations thereof called W-algebras and Yangians, respectively, as well as their analogues for affine Lie algebras which are naturally described using the theory of vertex algebras. Then I’ll explain a construction of vertex algebras associated to divisors in toric Calabi-Yau threefolds, which include affine W-algebras … Read More