Adrienne Erickcek (UNC) “Illuminating the Early Universe with Dark Matter Minihalos”
ABSTRACT: As remnants of the earliest stages of structure formation, the smallest dark matter halos provide a unique probe of the density fluctuations generated during inflation and the evolution of the Universe shortly after inflation. The absence of early-forming ultra-compact minihalos (UCMHs) establishes an upper bound on the amplitude of the primordial power spectrum on small scales and has been … Read More
Josh Ruderman (NYU) “21cm and the Soft Photon Frontier”
abstract: The Rayleigh-Jeans tail of the CMB is poorly constrained at low energies, and therefore could be highly distorted from a blackbody consistent with current measurements. I will describe how dark radiation, composed of dark photons, can inject soft photons from resonant oscillations during the dark ages. A small fraction of the Universe’s energy in dark photons can produce large … Read More