Quantum information science is an emerging frontier of physics which seeks to understand and control quantum systems with a large amount of entanglement and complexity. In this talk, we discuss a novel type of phase transition that arises at this new frontier. We investigate the dynamics of quantum entanglement in a generic quantum many-body system coupled to a noisy environment, which we model by local random unitary circuits interspersed by projective measurements. The interplay between unitary evolution and measurements leads to a phase transition: at high measurement rates, any coherent information in the system is completely lost, while at sufficiently low rates, an extensive amount of information is robustly protected. The nature of the phase transition can be understood from two complementary perspectives: first by using quantum error correcting properties of scrambling dynamics and second by using a mapping to ordering transitions in classical statistical mechanics models. The implications of our work for on-going experiments as well as for broad future research directions will be discussed.