String Theory Seminar: Alex Frenkel (Stanford) “A Background-Independent Target Space Action for String Theory”

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Abstract: I will address the question of how background independent target space physics emerges in string theory. The point of view I will take is to identify the configuration space of target space with the space of 2d worldsheet QFTs. On-shell configurations are identified with c=0 worldsheet theories (i.e. a c=26 matter sector), and non-conformal QFTs correspond to generic off-shell configurations. I will demonstrate that a quantity built from the sphere partition function and the Zamolodchikov c-function has the correct properties to be a valid background-independent action on this configuration space, and is valid for all possible relevant and irrelevant deformations on the worldsheet (including non-minimally coupled and descendant operators). For the massless and tachyonic sectors in target space, this action is equivalent by field-redefinition to known actions developed by Tseytlin and collaborators in the 80s and 90s, constructed by taking derivatives with respect to the sphere partition function. This talk is based on recent work by Amr Ahmadain and Aron Wall (