Raymond Co (Michigan) “Dark Photon Dark Matter Produced from Axion Oscillations”
Many experimental efforts have been devoted to searching for dark photon dark matter. However, the currently known production mechanisms face various difficulties, including a limited dark photon mass range. It is therefore of interest to explore alternative sources of dark photons with broader mass ranges. We propose a new production mechanism via tachyonic instability- the exponential growth of dark photons … Read More
Hari Ramani (UC Berkeley) “Exploring the dark universe through molecules and nuclei”
Hongwan Liu (MIT), “From the Table-Top to the Cosmos: Searching High and Low for Dark Matter”
In this talk, I will explore two recent developments in the search for dark matter. First, I will discuss how the 21-cm global signal measurement constrains the potential impact of dark matter annihilation/decay on the thermal history of the universe. I will also explain how to accurately compute such modifications to the baryon temperature in the early universe using a … Read More
Peizhi Du (University of Maryland) “Hybrid seesaw leptogenesis and TeV singlets”
Abstract: The appealing feature of inverse seesaw models is that the neutrino mass emerges from the exchange of TeV scale singlets with sizable Yukawa couplings, which can be tested at colliders. However, the tiny Majorana mass splitting between TeV singlets is left unexplained. Moreover, we argue that these models suffer from a structural limitation that prevents a successful thermal leptogenesis … Read More
No seminar (holiday)
Wolfgang Altmannshofer (UC Santa Cruz) “New Physics in Rare B Decays”
I will discuss the implications of LHCb results that show intriguing hints for lepton flavor universality violation in rare B meson decays. These hints are fully consistent with several other anomalies that have been observed in rare B decays over the last few years. A very good description of all the data is obtained by new physics in form of … Read More
Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz), “Testing Dark Matter models at the SeaQuest experiment”
Dark Matter (DM) provides strong evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). Arguably, rather than suggesting a specific mass scale for New Physics, it may point to a dark sector, weakly-coupled to the SM, as hinted at by the comparable abundances of dark matter and visible baryons. In the past few years, a program of new experiments has expanded … Read More
Varun Pradeep Vaidya (LANL) “Electro-Weak factorization violation”
Abstract: I will discuss the fact that for a generic class of observables in hadronic collisions, well above the weak scale, the standard parton model picture is violated due to non-factorizable electro-weak corrections at leading order in the power expansion. The mechanism for factorization violation we point out here is distinct from the canonical QCD factorization violation mechanism as it … Read More
Jonathan Kozaczuk (Urbana-Champaign Illinois) “Exploring new physics in the early Universe with LISA”
Abstract: Gravitational waves provide a window into the early Universe and a direct probe of the epoch between inflation/reheating and Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), which is otherwise difficult to access. In this talk, I will discuss recent progress towards detecting the cosmological signatures of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) at the future space-based interferometer LISA, focusing in particular on … Read More