The 21-cm cosmological signal is gradually becoming a reality, offering a new insight into previously under-explored epochs. As with other cosmological observations, it is intriguing to consider what 21-cm cosmology can teach us about new physics. To address this, I will provide a concise overview of the physics behind the 21-cm cosmological signal and the effects of various new physics … Read More

In this talk I present recent work, deriving constraints on ultralight dark matter form Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. The work shows that the presence of ultralight dark matter can modify the effective values of fundamental constants during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, affecting the predicted abundances of the primordial elements such as Helium-4. The dark matter evolution is influenced by interactions with the … Read More

Abstract:  Detecting a Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB) signal from cosmological phase transitions could provide insights into the early epochs of the universe. However, connecting measurements to underlying theories is challenging due to various models producing similar GW signals. In this talk, I will discuss an example of mapping UV theory to expected signals, specifically the parametric scaling of supercooled … Read More

Abstract: In high density QCD, the phase structure is not understood well. We think about two kinds of phases, confinement and Higgs phases. Traditionally, they are considered to be the same. However, recently, there is a new point of view that they can be distinguished by topological excitations. We found emergent higher form symmetry that characterizes confinement and Higgs phases with superfluidity.  … Read More

Abstract: Limits on the charged lepton flavor violating (CLFV) process of μ→e conversion are expected to improve by four orders of magnitude due to the next generation of experiments, Mu2e at Fermilab and COMET at J-PARC. The kinematics of the decay of a trapped muon are ideal for detecting a signal of CLFV, but the intervening nuclear physics presents a significant roadblock to … Read More

Abstract: Powerful general arguments allow only a few families of long-range interactions, exemplified by gauge field theories of electromagnetism and gravity. However, all of these arguments presuppose that massless fields have zero spin scale and hence exactly boost invariant helicity. I will present a Lagrangian formalism describing interactions of matter particles with bosonic “continuous spin” fields with arbitrary spin scale. Remarkably, … Read More

Abstract: The absence of direct evidence of new particles at energies \mathcal{O} ( 1\, \textrm{TeV} ) allows us to parametrize effects of possible heavy new physics (lying beyond the reach of the LHC for direct production) with an effective field theory, known as the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT).  After a brief introduction to the SMEFT, I will discuss the importance of renormalization group … Read More

Abstract:  The apparently simple and elegant QCD axion solution to the Strong CP problem is well known to be affected by the so called “quality problem”, whose root lies in the smallness of the QCD-induced axion potential with respect to UV-suppressed operators explicitly breaking the PQ symmetry. In this seminar I will present a model which addresses this issue by … Read More