Abstract: Today’s lattice QCD program, developed over decades, provides celebrated quantitative insight into nonperturbative physics, for example, via ab initio hadron spectroscopy. The entire computational framework, however, is based on importance sampling of the imaginary-time path integral—a method that is infected by sign problems for various calculations of interest. By contrast, it turns out that imaginary time and path integrals are … Read More

Abstract: Theories with spontaneously broken conformal symmetry are ubiquitous in models for new physics, with examples including composite Higgs and conformal dark sectors. These models require a mechanism to stabilize the scale of symmetry breaking. Moreover, the stabilization mechanism affects the phenomenology of the dilaton, the pseudo-Goldstone boson of broken scale invariance, as well as the conformal phase transition. I … Read More

I will present a novel, simple possibility with broad implications for the predicted signals of non-thermal dark matter (DM) production scenarios: the Dark Sink. The addition of this dark-sector entropy sink may significantly increase the expected signals as I will demonstrate for well-known direct detection benchmarks with O(MeV) – O(TeV) DM.

Abstract: Dark matter interactions with Standard Model particles can inject energy at early times, altering the standard evolution of the early universe. In particular, this energy injection can perturb the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) away from that of a perfect blackbody, alter the CMB anisotropy spectrum, and affect processes by which the first stars form. For this … Read More

Abstract: In the first half of my talk, I will present a way to parametrize new sources of CP violation in the Standard Model EFT (SMEFT) using flavor invariants. New sources of CP violation can feed into the QCD theta angle, jeopardizing solutions to the strong CP problem such as the axion. By means of an instanton calculation, I will … Read More

Lattice QCD has enabled the non-perturbative calculation of many static quantities such as hadron masses and form factors. Quantum computers are expected to enable lattice calculations to directly probe the real time dynamics of quantum field theories. In this talk, I will review the motivation for quantum simulation and the formulations of lattice gauge theories that have been explored for quantum simulation. I … Read More

Abstract:Thousands of person years have been invested in searches for New Physics (NP), the majority of them motivated by theoretical considerations. Yet, no evidence of beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics has been found. This suggests that model-agnostic searches might be the key to explore NP, and help discover unexpected phenomena which can inspire future theoretical developments. A possible strategy … Read More

Abstract: The top-down matching of specific scenarios for new physics onto the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) is well-understood and easy to automise. The inverse approach, however, the bottom-up matching of the SMEFT to UV models and in particular a systematic exploration of these discoverable UV models is more difficult. I will present a diagrammatic technique for the automated … Read More

Abstract: An often overlooked problem in black hole physics is that the inner horizon of stationary black holes do not (generically) exist even in the equilibrium state (i.e. the Hartle-Hawking state), due to the divergence of quantum fields. Even though this behavior has been observed numerically in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions for free fields, a universal and analytic understanding of it is lacking. … Read More