ABSTRACT: I describe certain categories which arise from the consideration of singular Lagrangian geometries in symplectic manifolds, in 4 and 6 dimensions. These are (mathematically) the Fukaya category of a neighborhood of the singular space; presumably in physics, some category of branes. I will explain how moduli spaces usually associated with irregular singularities, cluster varieties, knot homology, and various other … Read More

ABSTRACT: I will present a construction of the q-deformed W-algebra of gl_r and its Verma module, that does not use the free field realization or screening charges. The upshot is that our method allows us to directly compute the commutation relations between the Carlsson-Okounkov Ext operator on the moduli space of rank r sheaves and the defining currents of the … Read More

ABSTRACT: We describe rules for computing a homology theory of knots and links in R^3. It is derived from the theory of framed BPS states bound to domain walls separating two-dimensional Landau-Ginzburg models with (2,2) supersymmetry. We illustrate the rules with some sample computations, obtaining results consistent with Khovanov homology. We show that of the two Landau-Ginzburg models discussed in … Read More

ABSTRACT: In this seminar I will explain how certain partition functions of four-dimensional quantum field theories, such as the non-Lagrangian T[3] theory, have a geometric interpretation as generating functions of so-called opers. This will reveal close ties to spectral networks and the exact WKB method. (This is joint work with Andy Neitzke.)

ABSTRACT: Recent work on equivariant aspects of mirror symmetry has discovered relations between the equivariant quantum cohomology of symplectic resolutions and Casimir-type connections (among many other objects). We provide a new example of this theory in the setting of the affine Grassmannian, a fundamental space in the geometric Langlands program. More precisely, we identify the equivariant quantum connection of certain … Read More

ABSTRACT: In quantizing classical mechanical systems to get (non-perturbative in hbar corrections to) the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian one often sums over the classical trajectories as in localisation formulas, but also take into account the contributions of the so-called “instanton-antiinstanton gas”. The latter is an ill-defined set of approximate solutions of equations of motion. The talk will attempt to alleviate … Read More