Christopher Beem (IAS) “Chiral symmetry algebras in four and six dimensions” (String Seminars)
Jonathan Heckman (UNC) “Classification of all 6D SCFTs” (String Seminars)
Yasha Neiman (Perimeter Institute) “Holography and observers in elliptic de Sitter space” (String Seminars)
Hong Liu (MIT) “An upper bound on ballistic spread of entanglement” (String Seminars)
Daniel Litim “Interacting UV fixed points – from 4D quantum gauge theories to 4D quantum gravitation” (U. of Sussex) (String Seminars)
Abstract: It is commonly believed that a fundamental definition of quantum field theory requires the existence of an UV fixed point. Asymptotic freedom of QCD is a well-known example where the UV fixed point is non-interacting. In this talk, I will provide an exact proof of existence for interacting UV fixed points in certain 4D matter-gauge theories, strictly controlled by … Read More
Pietro Longhi (Rutgers) Spectral Networks: Extensions and Applications (String Seminars)
Bom Soo Kim (U. of Kentucky) ” Lifshitz Hydrodynamics and its application to quantum critical region” (String Seminars)
Eric Perlmutter (Princeton U.) “TBA” (String Seminars)
Vladimir Rosenhaus (KITP) “TBA” (String Seminars)
Andrew Strominger (Harvard) “Memory, Soft Theorems and Asymptotic Symmetry” (String Seminars)