hybrid model,   (https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/370438207) to watch the seminar live. Abstract: Recent work established necessary conditions for entanglement islands to appear in a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe entangled with a reference spacetime in a thermofield-double state. In this talk, I will examine the effects of spatial curvature on the existence of islands in an otherwise similar cosmological setting. I will discuss a new … Read More

Abstract: Quantum extremal surfaces are central to the connection between quantum information theory and quantum gravity and they have played a prominent role in the recent progress on the information paradox. In this talk, I will present a program to systematically link these surfaces to the microscopic data of the dual conformal field theory, namely the scaling dimensions of local operators … Read More

Abstract-I will write down the steps taken to derive the HISH model. I will start with hologrphicconfining backgrounds in which classical rotating strings will be analyzed. The HISH map will be specified. Next I will extract the physical parameters, tension, string endpoint masses and intercepts from best fit to experimental data. The quantization of a string with massive endpoints in … Read More

bstract: I propose an energy-spacetime uncertainty principle. The average null energy in a small region of spacetime can be very negative, while the average over a larger region cannot be as negative. I will prove this result within free field theory, and discuss the prospects for more general proofs, as well as the implications for singularity theorems. Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05772  https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/370438207 (virtual-zoom)

We study the evolution of the Gregory-Laflamme instability for black strings in global AdS spacetime, and investigate the CFT dual of the formation of a bulk naked singularity. Using an effective theory in the large D limit, we uncover a rich variety of dynamical behaviour, depending on the thickness of the string and on initial perturbations. These include: large inflows … Read More

We discuss aspects of the possible transitionbetween small black holes and highly excited fundamental strings. We focus onthe connection between black holes and the self gravitating string solution ofHorowitz and Polchinski. This solution is interesting because it has non-zeroentropy at the classical level and it is natural to suspect that it might becontinuously connected to the black hole. Surprisingly, we … Read More

Abstract: “I will present a bulk reconstruction technique in AdS/CFT suitable for addressing a facet of the black hole information problem: how to predict the results of measurements accessible to an infalling observer in the black hole interior. I will explicitly apply the method in the AdS_2/SYK correspondence and, time permitting, I will discuss how to overcome the “frozen vacuum” … Read More