William Donnelly (UCSB) “TBA” (String Seminars)
Aron Wall (IAS) “TBA” (String Seminars)
Yu Nakayama (Caltech) “TBA” (String Seminars)
Andreas Stergiou (Yale) “TBA” (String Seminars)
Nathan Seiberg (IAS) “TBA” (String Seminars)
Eric Sharpe (Virginia Tech)”TBA” (String Seminars)
Sergey Solodukhin (U. of Tours) “TBA” (String Seminars)
Jason Koeller (UC Berkeley) “A Proof of the Quantum Null Energy Condition”
Daniel Butter (NIKHEF) “All rigid N=2 supersymmetric backgrounds”
I will discuss how to classify (up to discrete identifications) all rigid 4D N=2 supersymmetric backgrounds in both Lorentzian and Euclidean signatures that preserve eight real supercharges. These include backgrounds such as warped S_3×R, warped AdS_3×R, and AdS_2×S^2, as well as some more exotic geometries. Time permitting, I will also address how to construct all supersymmetric two-derivative actions involving hypermultiplets … Read More
Vyacheslav Lysov (Caltech) “Asymptotic symmetries and soft theorems in 4d supergravity”