BCTP Group Meeting
David Poland (Yale) “Mysteries in the Bootstrap”
Ivan Arraut (TUS) “The Graviton Higgs mechanism as a Vainshtein mechanism in time-domains (Dark Energy as a second order phase transition effect)”
Vladimir Rosenhaus (KITP) “The spectrum in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model”
Abhijit Gadde (IAS) “Conformal constraints on defects”
Aron Wall (IAS) “Frame Anomalies for Entanglement in Chiral Theories”
Evan McDonough (McGill) “Fermions on the Anti-Brane: Higher Order Interactions and Spontaneously Broken Supersymmetry”
Adam Brown (Stanford) “Hot Bubbles of Nothing”
Douglas Stanford (IAS) “The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and AdS_2/CFT_1”
No seminar (Spring Break)