ABSTRACT: Given a Riemann surface C and a central charge c, one can define the notion of Virasoro conformal block. Virasoro conformal blocks capture universal features of conformal field theory on C. I will describe a new scheme for constructing Virasoro conformal blocks at central charge c=1, by relating them to simpler “abelian” objects, namely conformal blocks for the Heisenberg … Read More

Abstract:  Many interesting varieties can be realized as the Coulomb branch of a 3d N=4 gauge theory, and this realization can give us some very interesting information.  One of the most familiar varieties that appears this way is the cotangent bundle of the Grassmannian of k-planes in C^n.  I’ll explain this realization as a special case of the more general … Read More

Abstract: In JT gravity coupled to a CFT, I argue without using the path integral that the entanglement wedge of a boundary region is bounded by a quantum extremal surface (QES). For any candidate not bounded by a QES, a unitary in the complement can make reconstruction within the candidate inconsistent with boundary causality. The case without islands is a … Read More

Abstract: In this talk I will start with introducing a new presentation of deformed double current algebra of type gl_k, denoted by A^{(k)}, which is motivated from the study of M2 branes in the twisted M-theory. Then I will explain how to find an algebra embedding from A^{(k)} to the mode algebra of W^{(k)}_\infty, which is a matrix-extended generalization of … Read More

Abstract: Classically, the volume of the Einstein-Rosen bridge of the two-sided black hole grows linearly in time. Such linear increase is in conflict with the finite black hole entropy S, thus at late time, the volume should be upper-bounded and saturate at the time scale O(e^S). The bulk mechanism of such saturation is due to the production of baby universes … Read More