Events at 402 Classroom Physics South Hall, Campus

ABSTRACT: Given a Riemann surface C and a central charge c, one can define the notion of Virasoro conformal block. Virasoro conformal blocks capture universal features of conformal field theory on C. I will describe a new scheme for constructing Virasoro conformal blocks at central charge c=1, by relating them to simpler “abelian” objects, namely conformal blocks for the Heisenberg … Read More

Abstract:  Many interesting varieties can be realized as the Coulomb branch of a 3d N=4 gauge theory, and this realization can give us some very interesting information.  One of the most familiar varieties that appears this way is the cotangent bundle of the Grassmannian of k-planes in C^n.  I’ll explain this realization as a special case of the more general … Read More

Abstract: In JT gravity coupled to a CFT, I argue without using the path integral that the entanglement wedge of a boundary region is bounded by a quantum extremal surface (QES). For any candidate not bounded by a QES, a unitary in the complement can make reconstruction within the candidate inconsistent with boundary causality. The case without islands is a … Read More

Abstract: In this talk I will start with introducing a new presentation of deformed double current algebra of type gl_k, denoted by A^{(k)}, which is motivated from the study of M2 branes in the twisted M-theory. Then I will explain how to find an algebra embedding from A^{(k)} to the mode algebra of W^{(k)}_\infty, which is a matrix-extended generalization of … Read More

Abstract: Classically, the volume of the Einstein-Rosen bridge of the two-sided black hole grows linearly in time. Such linear increase is in conflict with the finite black hole entropy S, thus at late time, the volume should be upper-bounded and saturate at the time scale O(e^S). The bulk mechanism of such saturation is due to the production of baby universes … Read More

Abstract: Measurements of the flavor structure of the Standard Model can be precise probes of physics beyond it. In this talk, we describe two implications of various flavor physics measurements. First, we discuss the use of Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) models for explaining the Standard Model flavor hierarchy. We define wrinkles, extra suppression or enhancement factors which modify the expected scaling of … Read More

Abstract : Proto-neutron stars, formed in the center of Type-II supernovae, represent promising science targets for probing axions. The hypothetical particles are emitted via e.g. the Primakoff process and can modify the cooling rate of the proto-neutron stars and also convert to observable gamma rays while propagating through astrophysical magnetic field. Observations of Supernova 1987 (SN 1987A) from the Solar Maximum … Read More

Abstract: Dark Matter (DM) remains mysterious. Despite decades of experimental and theoretical efforts, its microscopic identity is still unknown to us. In this talk, I will walk you through how a variety of celestial objects can be utilised as powerful DM detectors. This astrophysical probe, complementary to the terrestrial and cosmological probes, covers a significant portion of the DM parameters (DM … Read More

This talk is based on joint work in progress with Mina Aganagic, Spencer Tamagni and Peng Zhou. We’ll discuss work in progress toward a homological mirror symmetry statement. The A side is the k-fold symmetric product of a double cover of the cylinder ramified at n points. The B side is a matrix factorization category on the k-th horizontal hilbert scheme … Read More

Abstract: Thermal correlators in large N systems equilibrate at late times, but the precise late-time behavior is unknown away from holographic and free field limits. In this talk I will analyze this problem in the case of the SYK model away from the low-temperature limit. The basic technique is a resummation of perturbation theory which is reminiscent of the double … Read More