Motivated by properties of tensor networks, we conjecture that an arbitrary gravitating region a can be assigned a generalized entanglement wedge E⊃a, such that quasi-local operators in E have a holographic representation in the full algebra generated by quasi-local operators in a. The universe need not be asymptotically flat or AdS, and a need not be asymptotic or weakly gravitating.  On a static Cauchy surface Σ, we propose that E is the … Read More

Abstract: “I will report on a joint work in progress with Pablo BoixedaAlvarez, Michael McBreen and Zhiwei Yun where categories of microlocal sheaves on some affine Springer fibers are described in terms of theLanglands dual group. In particular, in the slope 1 case we recover the regular block in the category of (graded) modules over the smallquantum groups. Assuming a general formalism … Read More

The 21-cm cosmological signal is gradually becoming a reality, offering a new insight into previously under-explored epochs. As with other cosmological observations, it is intriguing to consider what 21-cm cosmology can teach us about new physics. To address this, I will provide a concise overview of the physics behind the 21-cm cosmological signal and the effects of various new physics … Read More

Recent advances around Fukaya categories can be used to (mathematically rigorously) produce sheaves on Bun_G from smooth fibers of Hitchin fibrations.  The resulting sheaves are presumably Hecke eigensheaves; I’ll explain why I don’t know how to prove this, and discuss various related questions.

Abstract: In high density QCD, the phase structure is not understood well. We think about two kinds of phases, confinement and Higgs phases. Traditionally, they are considered to be the same. However, recently, there is a new point of view that they can be distinguished by topological excitations. We found emergent higher form symmetry that characterizes confinement and Higgs phases with superfluidity.  … Read More

Abstract: Limits on the charged lepton flavor violating (CLFV) process of μ→e conversion are expected to improve by four orders of magnitude due to the next generation of experiments, Mu2e at Fermilab and COMET at J-PARC. The kinematics of the decay of a trapped muon are ideal for detecting a signal of CLFV, but the intervening nuclear physics presents a significant roadblock to … Read More

Abstract: Kontsevich and Soibelman suggested a correspondence between Donaldson-Thomas invariants of Calabi-Yau 3-folds and holomorphic curves in complex integrable systems. After reviewing this general expectation, I will present a concrete example related to mirror symmetry for the local projective plane (partly joint work with Descombes, Le Floch, Pioline), along with applications in enumerative geometry (partly joint work with Fan, Guo, … Read More

Abstract: Deeper structures behind BPS counting on toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds have recently been realized mathematically in terms of the quantum loop group associated to a certain quiver drawn on a torus, which is endowed with an action on the BPS vector space via crystal melting. In this talk, we identify the annihilator of the aforementioned action, thus leading to the … Read More

We will explore the fascinating concept of parity restoration using minimal Higgs doublets and its implications on the SU(2)R scale in Higgs parity, neutrino masses, and thermal leptogenesis. Our main focus will be to present a natural bound on the scale of the parity-breaking vR and the mass of the right-handed neutrino, M1, obtained from thermal leptogenesis. We will also … Read More

Abstract : We present an example where a CFT qualitatively changes the behavior of loop diagrams at scales parametrically smaller than the mass scale where the CFT is broken. In our toy model, a large anomalous dimension leads to a scenario where the corrections to the mass of a scalar is dominated at low energies below even the scale of CFT … Read More