Alessandro Lenoci (DESY)”Gravitational Signatures of Wave Dark Matter”

Seminar Organizer

Event Details

In this seminar I will talk about wave dark matter and its intriguing phenomenological implications, namely the presence of wave-like signatures on astrophysical length scales. Specifically, I assume the dark matter is composed of light bosons with masses below 10 eV, allowing, due to the high phase space occupation number, for a classical wave description. I will illustrate a formalism to describe the wave dark matter’s response to gravity, accounting for the statistical properties of the field. Our first subject of investigation is the behavior of the wave dark matter in the Solar system. Here we study the phenomenon of gravitational focusing, where a massive astrophysical object deforms the local distribution of dark matter, leading to a local overdensity. The second topic of discussion is the behavior of wave dark matter in a small dark matter halo. In particular, we investigate the wave dark matter response to the adiabatic growth of a black hole in the center of the halo. This phenomenon leads to a compression of the surrounding dark matter halo, resulting in a steeper density profile. As an application, we study the gravitational waves produced by the inspiral of a compact solar-mass object with a central intermediate-mass black hole within the compressed wave dark matter halo. Follow up ideas will be also discussed.

short bio: I will be visiting LBL, Berkeley until October 15th. I just completed my PhD in Hamburg, where I worked at DESY. I am interested in astrophysical/cosmological implications of new physics, in particular dark matter. So far I worked on feebly interacting massive particles and wave dark matter phenomenology.

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