Particle Theory Seminar | Markus Luty (UC, Davis) “Hamiltonian Truncation and the Future of Numerical Quantum Field Theory”

Seminar Organizer

Event Details

From: Markus A. Luty <>
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2021 at 20:12
Subject: Re: Invitation to a Seminar to the LBL/Berkeley Theory Group
To: Nadav Outmezguine <>

Title: Hamiltonian Truncation and the Future of Numerical Quantum Field Theory
Abstract: Hamiltonian truncation is a  non-perturbative approximation of a quantum system based on projecting the Hilbert space to a finite-dimensional subspace and numerically diagonalizing the Hamiltonian on the subspace. This method has recently attracted renewed interest, but is much less developed than lattice quantum field theory. In this talk, I will describe recent work that aims to advance Hamiltonian truncation as a tool for precision numerical studies of quantum field theory. First, I discuss the effective field theory of Hamiltonian truncation, which gives a systematic understanding of the errors made in the truncation and how to correct for them. Second, I discuss work in progress on the application of Hamitonian truncation to gauge theories, including theories with chiral fermions.