String/Math Seminar: Miroslav Rapcak (UCB) “iura Operators, Degenerate Fields and the M2-M5 Intersection” @ 1:10pm

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Abstract: Stacks of M2-branes in Omega background lead to a class of Coulomb branch algebras due to Kodera and Nakajima. On the other hand, stacks of M5-branes in Omega background lead to a class of vertex operator algebras due to a version of the AGT correspondence. I will provide a new interpretation of key objects in the theory of vertex operator algebras, such as Miura operators and degenerate fields, as describing various junctions of M2 and M5 branes in M-theory. The new perspective leads to a rather close interplay between the relevant class of Coulomb branch algebras and vertex operator algebras with many striking consequences.