Event Category: Particle Seminar

Particle Seminar:
Wednesdays 2:00pm at LBNL

Nelson-Barr ultralight dark matter Light scalar fields are well motivated dark matter candidates, as they commonly arise as pseudo-Goldstone bosons and their abundance is set by the misalignment mechanism. The best known example is perhaps the celebrated QCD axion, further motivated as a solution to the strong CP-problem. I will discuss how in the orthogonal Nelson-Bar solution to the strong … Read More

https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/94928022788?pwd=emVQWG1mTnhSbHVqekVuenk0VEVQZz09 Title: Constraining PV and CPV nucleon-nucleon long range interactions in diatomic eEDM searches and chiral molecules Abstract: Searches for CP violating effects in diatomic molecules are typically interpreted as a probe of the electron’s electric dipole moment (eEDM), a new electron-nucleon interaction, and a new electron-electron interaction. However, in the case of a non-vanishing nuclear spin, a new CP … Read More

Title: Matching EFT to LHC Abstract: Experimental constraints on EFT couplings must include a quantitative estimate of the uncertainties due to neglected higher-dimension interactions. This is particularly challenging at the LHC, where the high parton energies and limited precision mean that the searches may be sensitive to energy scales where the EFT breaks down. This talk will describe a search … Read More

Title: Probing new physics with the PIONEER experiment Abstract: PIONEER is a proposed next-generation rare pion decay experiment at PSI. Its main goal in phase 1 is to measure the helicity suppressed pi -> e nu decay with an order of magnitude better precision compared to existing measurements. In phase 2 and 3, the goal is a precision measurement of the … Read More

Title: Dark matter minihalos from Primordial Magnetic fields Abstract: Primordial magnetic fields (PMFs) offer a simple explanation for the origin of galactic magnetic fields as well as of the purportedly detected magnetic fields in cosmic voids.In the talk, I discuss how PMFs’ influence on dark matter perturbations in the early universe can provide a distinctive signal for their presence. I … Read More

Title: Cosmological Production of ROMP Dark Matter Abstract:Rapidly Oscillating Massive Particles (ROMPs) arise in quantum systems with non-diagonal interaction Hamiltonians. This misalignment between flavor and mass eigenstates leads to oscillations between flavor states, such as those between electron and muon neutrinos in the Standard Model, or between active and sterile neutrinos in Beyond the Standard Model frameworks to name just … Read More

Title: Explaining Exotic Hadrons from QCD Abstract: Exotic hadrons are enigmatic particles that cannot be explained as mesons made of a quark-antiquark pair or baryons made of three quarks. Most of those that have been observed are hidden-heavy hadrons containing a heavy quark-antiquark pair. They are typically found near the threshold for the production of two heavy hadrons. The nature … Read More

Title: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: New Physics and New Tools Abstract: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) is a powerful tool for probing both new physics and LCDM, and complements analyses utilizing the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and results from particle experiment.  I will provide two examples of BBN probes of BSM models.  I will then discuss new kinds of analyses that can … Read More

Title: The Piezoaxionic Effect: dark matter detection and new forces Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss two new and closely related experimental observables designed to search for the QCD axion. These observables are based on piezoelectric materials that spontaneously break parity symmetry, therefore enabling sensitivity to the axion’s fundamental, model independent coupling to gluons. The first of these explores … Read More

Title: Neutrino-nucleus interaction modeling in long-baseline neutrino experiments Abstract: Neutrino-nucleus cross sections are an important facet of interpreting results in accelerator neutrino experiments. However, these cross sections are still not theoretically well understood, which can have consequences in a wide array of physics analyses. In this talk, I will discuss how the interplay between cross section mis-modeling and near detector tunes, … Read More