Title: Constraining PV and CPV nucleon-nucleon long range interactions in diatomic eEDM searches and chiral molecules
Abstract: Searches for CP violating effects in diatomic molecules are typically interpreted as a probe of the electron’s electric dipole moment (eEDM), a new electron-nucleon interaction, and a new electron-electron interaction. However, in the case of a non-vanishing nuclear spin, a new CP violating nucleon-nucleon long range force will also affect the measurement. We derive a new bound on this hypothetical interaction, which is the most stringent from terrestrial experiments in the 1 eV-10 keV mass range.
Chiral molecules have distinguished enantiomers which are related by parity transformation, thus, they are promising candidates to search for parity violation at molecular scales, yet to be observed. We show that precision spectroscopy of the hyperfine structure of chiral molecules is sensitive to new physics sources of parity and time reversal violation.