Lance Dixon (SLAC): “Bootstrapping Amplitudes and Wilson Loops in Planar N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory”
“Bootstrapping Amplitudes and Wilson Loops in Planar N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory”
Michael Dine (UCSC) “Classical and Quantum stability in theories with many fields”
Title: Classical and Quantum stability in theories with many fields Abstract: In landscape models, one typically studies and effective potential for many fields, examining stationary points. There has been some work on the likelihood that a particular stationary point is classically stable, and somewhat less on quantum stability. Some of the results, as we will explain, are puzzling. We will … Read More
Tony Gherghetta (U Minnesotta): “The Unnatural Composite Higgs”
Title: The Unnatural Composite Higgs Abstract: A simple way to trivially satisfy precision-electroweak and flavor constraints in composite Higgs models is to require a large global symmetry breaking scale, f > 10 TeV. This leads to a tuning of order 10^-4 to obtain the observed Higgs mass, but gives rise to a ‘split’ spectrum where the strong-sector resonances with masses … Read More
Marat Freytsis (Oregon): “Precision Diboson Observables for the LHC”
Patrick Fox (FNAL) “Gauge extensions of the SM and LHC excesses”
Abstract: I will discuss one possible explanation of the ATLAS and CMS excess events in the eejj, jj, WZ and Wh channels, a SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x U(1)_B-L model. After discussing some model building aspects I will discuss the various channels with existing excesses and the prospects for further excesses soon.
Sunghoon Jung (SLAC): “Overlooked Higgs physics – pure resonance dip”
Abstract: Heavy Higgs resonance shapes in golden channels are significantly affected from the interference with continuum backgrounds. Remarkably, the imaginary-part interference (with a relative phase) that has been mostly overlooked can produce strikingly new resonance shapes that the real-part interference alone cannot produce: pure dips, nothingness and rescaled pure peaks. Narrow-width approximation also has to be modified. We derive general … Read More
Asher Berlin (U Chicago): “New Directions in Dark Matter Direct Detection”
Rodrigo Alonso (UCSD): “Gauged Lepton Flavor Symmetry”
Andreas Trautner (TU Munich): “CP violation from a symmetry principle” *Special-Wednesday Particle Seminar ) * location/time change* 2pm in 468 Birge Hall-4th floor*
Abstract: Despite its remarkable success in describing Nature, many things need to be understood beyond the Standard Model. For example, as a peculiar part of the flavor puzzle, CP violation is explicit in the Standard Model and therefore can only be parametrized – but not predicted in size. In this talk I want to discuss that C, P (and also … Read More
Stefania Gori (Perimeter Institute) “A flavorful Higgs “
Measurements of Higgs production and decays have revealed that most of the electroweak symmetry breaking is due to the 125 GeV Higgs field. Similarly, we know that the Higgs is at least partially responsible for giving mass to the top and bottom quarks, and tau lepton. Much less is known about the origin of mass for the first two generations, … Read More