Chris Murphy (SNS – Pisa): Semiclassical Approach to Heterogeneous Vacuum Decay
Michael Dine (UCSC) “Classical and Quantum stability in theories with many fields”
Title: Classical and Quantum stability in theories with many fields Abstract: In landscape models, one typically studies and effective potential for many fields, examining stationary points. There has been some work on the likelihood that a particular stationary point is classically stable, and somewhat less on quantum stability. Some of the results, as we will explain, are puzzling. We will … Read More
Tony Gherghetta (U Minnesotta): “The Unnatural Composite Higgs”
Title: The Unnatural Composite Higgs Abstract: A simple way to trivially satisfy precision-electroweak and flavor constraints in composite Higgs models is to require a large global symmetry breaking scale, f > 10 TeV. This leads to a tuning of order 10^-4 to obtain the observed Higgs mass, but gives rise to a ‘split’ spectrum where the strong-sector resonances with masses … Read More
Patrick Fox (FNAL) “Gauge extensions of the SM and LHC excesses”
Abstract: I will discuss one possible explanation of the ATLAS and CMS excess events in the eejj, jj, WZ and Wh channels, a SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x U(1)_B-L model. After discussing some model building aspects I will discuss the various channels with existing excesses and the prospects for further excesses soon.
Gilly Elor (MIT) “Soft-Collinear Supersymmetry”
Abstract: Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) is a framework for modeling the infrared structure of theories whose long distance behavior is dominated by soft and collinear divergences. I will demonstrate that SCET can be made compatible with supersymmetry (SUSY), explicitly with N = 1 SUSY Yang-Mills. For contrast arguments will be given that chiral SUSY theories with Yukawa couplings, specifically the … Read More
Simon Knapen (IAS) “Soft signals in dark matter direct detection”
Abstract: Light dark matter scattering in a crystal or fluid must recoil off a collective excitation (phonon) rather than off individual nuclei. I will set up the appropriate low energy effective theory and show how density functional theory (DFT) methods can be used to calculate the dark matter scattering rate for various dark matter models and target materials.
Ken Van Tilburg (NYU) “New Physics at the Precision Frontier”
ABSTRACT: Halometry—mapping out the spectrum, location, and kinematics of nonluminous structures inside the Galactic halo—can be realized via effects that variable weak gravitational lensing induces on the proper motions of stars and other luminous background sources. Modern astrometric surveys provide unprecedented positional precision along with a leap in the number of cataloged objects. Astrometry thus offers a new and sensitive … Read More
Particle Theory Seminar | Mike Trott (Niels Bohr Institute) “The Geometric SMEFT description of curved Higgs Field Space(s)”
Particle Theory Seminar | Mike Trott (Niels Bohr Institute) “The Geometric SMEFT description of curved Higgs Field Space(s)” The Geometric SMEFT description of curved Higgs Field Space(s) Abstract: In recent years, the effective field theory approach to the Standard Model, the SMEFT, has been used to study LHC data with ever increasing theoretical precision and sophistication. However, the complexity of this theory lead … Read More