Event Category: Special Seminars

Special Seminars

Abstract: Quantum field theory is a unified language that successfully describes many diverse phenomena in different areas of physics. Nevertheless many interesting theories that arise in nature remain poorly understood, in part because there are no general tools for analyzing them in the strong coupling regime. In this talk I will review some recent progress in developing such tools, focusing … Read More

Quark/gluon discrimination is a key goal in jet substructure, with numerous potential applications in LHC searches for physics beyond the standard model. In order to make quark/gluon tagging a more robust tool, one wants first-principles QCD calculations to predict the degree of quark/gluon separation. To date, the best performing methods are based on Poisson-like counting observables which are not calculable … Read More

Abstract: The goal of fault-tolerant quantum computation is to operate a large-scale quantum computer reliably by encoding the quantum computer’s state in the blocks of quantum error-correcting code. As such, finding and classifying fault-tolerantly implementable logical gates in a quantum error-correcting code has been a long-standing important problem in quantum information science. In this talk, I will argue that a … Read More

Abstract: I will describe several different ways of thinking about the AdS/CFT correspondence. In particular I’ll discuss how locality in d+1 spacetime dimensions can arise from a d-dimensional theory. I will also highlight major open problems, including the black hole information paradox, and strategies that may lead to its resolution.