Events at 402 Classroom Physics South, Campus

Abstract: In this talk, we first present a detailed analysis of the classical geometry of generic null hypersurfaces. We then reformulate the Einstein equations as conservation laws for the intrinsic geometric data on these hypersurfaces. Following this, we derive the symplectic structure and the corresponding Poisson bracket. Upon quantizing this phase space, we propose that the projected Einstein tensor obeys … Read More

Many attractive ideas on BSM physics involve strong gauge dynamics we do not understand well. I present recent attempts to gain better understanding of strong gauge dynamics using supersymmetry and anomaly mediation of supersymmetry breaking. Then I speculate on areas of BSM model building that they may open up.

Abstract: I will review some of my work with Prof. Murayama over the past few years, applying Anomaly Mediated SUSY Breaking (AMSB) as a theoretical tool for understanding the dynamics of strongly coupled gauge theories. After reviewing the general properties of AMSB, I will show what we have been able to do when applying it to SUSY QCD, henceforth referred … Read More

3d mirror symmetry is a duality for certain hyperkähler manifolds. This talk will explore its connections with 2d mirror symmetry, as a 3d analog of ‘Mirror Symmetry is T-duality’ by Strominger, Yau, and Zaslow, which described 2d mirror symmetry via 1d dualities. Based on joint works with Naichung Conan Leung.

This is a practice job talk,  so please provide notes. When bosonic Dark Matter (DM) has an ultra-light mass, it acts as a classical, coherent field. In many cases, and specifically for many models of axion-like-particles, this field has a magnetic-like effect on spins, and can therefore be measured by spin-based quantum magnetometers. In this seminar, I will explain the … Read More

Abstract:At exponentially low temperatures in the black hole entropy, (doubly) non-perturbative effects are not merely important; they dominate. In this talk, I’ll address this regime using the near-extremal sector universally captured by JT-like theories and its matrix integral description. I’ll begin by explaining how the matrix ensemble generically implies a negative divergence at extremality of the annealed entropy traditionally computed … Read More

Abstract:It has been known since more than a decade that a class of charged black holes in AdS space are unstable to emission of charged particles. There have been many attempts to understand the endpoint of this instability, including the construction of hairy black hole solutions which consist of a condensate of a charged scalar field in the black hole background. … Read More

Abstract: I will describe how the standard tools of holography might be used to define microscopic models of big-bang cosmology.  I discuss “local” models where a bubble of the cosmological spacetime is embedded in an asymptotically AdS spacetime, and “global” models where the full spacetime is encoded in some auxiliary degrees of freedom. While the gravitational effective field theories arising from holographic models … Read More

I will introduce a new 2d gravity/matrix integral duality. The bulk theory is a two-dimensional string theory defined by coupling two copies of Liouville CFT with central charges c = 13 ± is on the worldsheet. We call this string theory the complex Liouville string (CLS). I will argue that the CLS admits a dual description in terms of a … Read More