String Theory Seminar: Gabriele Di Ubaldo (UCB) ” AdS_3/RMT_2 beyond the ramp”
Abstract: In 2307.03707 we introduced a framework for random matrix theory (RMT) in AdS_3 quantum gravity and chaotic 2D CFTs that is manifestly conformal and modular invariant. On the CFT side this leads to a 2d CFT trace formula, analogous to the Gutzwiller trace formula for chaotic quantum systems, which we use to derive necessary and sufficient conditions for an … Read More
4D Seminar: Claudio Andrea Mazari (UCB) “A New Solution to the Strong CP problem”
String Math Seminar: Cheuk Yu Mak (University of Sheffield) “tba”
Pratik Rath (UCB) “tba”
String Theory Seminar: Josh Kirklin (Perimeter Institute) “tba”
Manthos Karydas ( LBNL,Berkeley) “tba”
String Theory Seminar: Chris Waddell (Perimeter Institute) “tba”
4D Seminar: Alexander Friedland (SLAC) “tba”
String Math Seminar: Andrei Okounkov( Columbia University) “tba”
String Theory Seminar: Liza Rozenberg (Harvard) “tba”