The talk will focus on the testability prospects of the minimal GeV-scale type-I see saw model and the associated leptogenesis mechanism within future experiments as SHiP and FCC-ee. I will review the relation between the generation of the light neutrino masses and the baryon asymmetry (BA). We will show that the parameter space corresponding to a softly broken lepton number symmetry can be tested. Correlations between different observables are analytically explained via basis independent CP invariants. In particular we find an analytical upper bound on the right-handed neutrino mixing for which the BAU can be produced. Saturation of the mixing is achieved for small right-handed neutrino mass splittings, but non-degenerate states are also compatible with the BAU in a testable part of the parameter space. In the latter case we predict a significant enhancement of the neutrinoless double beta decay rate with respect to the active neutrino prediction, at reach of current and future experiments, and a highly constrained flavour structure for the mixing with the active neutrinos.
I will also demonstrate that in specific regions of parameter space the baryon asymmetry can be pinned down by laboratory measurements done at DUNE and FCC-ee.