Particle Seminar: Javier Fernandez Acevedo (SLAC) “Probing Dark Matter with Galactic Center White Dwarfs”

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Title: Probing Dark Matter with Galactic Center White Dwarfs

Abstract: White dwarfs have long been considered as large-scale dark matter detectors. Owing to their high density and relatively large size, these objects can capture large amounts of dark matter, potentially producing detectable signals. In this talk, I will discuss new dark matter searches using the white dwarf population within the Milky Way’s central parsec. First, I will explore the sensitivity of white dwarfs in this region to dark matter annihilation into gamma-rays. Using Fermi and H.E.S.S. data alongside various DM Galactic profiles, I will show how the resulting sensitivity lies multiple orders of magnitude beyond what current experiments can achieve in the sub-GeV mass range. Then, I will discuss how the same search can be recast to set constraints on higgsino dark matter.