Isabel Garcia Garcia (UCSB) Gravitational instabilities of spacetimeTheories with compact extra dimensions can be unstable to decay into a bubble of nothing — an instability that results in the destruction of spacetime. In this talk, I will discuss whether bubbles of nothing can exist in realistic theories where the moduli field responsible for setting the size of the extra dimensions is stabilized … Read More

Xiaochuan Lu (University of Oregon) In this talk, I interpret the Standard Model (SM) as a low-energy Effective Field Theory (EFT), with a particular emphasis on the indirect impact of heavy new particles. Introducing non-renormalizable interactions that preserve SM symmetries provides a robust parameterization of these effects. This well-known SMEFT framework, once truncated in mass dimension, has only a … Read More

In-person, also on Zoom: Abstract:  The study of non-supersymmetric, strongly coupled gauge theories is notoriously hard, and exact results are scarce. In this talk, I present a new way to study the vacua of non-supersymmetric theories by perturbing their supersymmetric versions with Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking (AMSB). Thanks to the UV-insensitivity of AMSB, SUSY results can be perturbed with no … Read More

Searching for New Physics at Future Muon CollidersTalk Abstract: We propose a new beam dump experimenta at future muon colliders at TeV energy scales. This provides an opportunity to expand the theory, energy, and intensity frontier of new physics searches. If we were to construct a muon collider, a beam dump would be an economical and effective way to increase the discovery potential of the experiment in a … Read More

When DM bosons have an ultra-light mass, they can act as a classical, coherent field. In many cases, and specifically in some ALP models, this field has magnetic properties, and it can therefore be measured by quantum magnetometers. The Noble and Alkali Spin Detectors for Ultralight Coherent darK matter (NASDUCK) collaboration, was formed last year in order to measure such … Read More

Abstract: The low frequency part of the gravitational wave spectrum generated by local physics, such as a phase transition, is largely fixed by causality, offering a clean window into the early Universe.Due to the difference between sub-horizon and super-horizon physics, a distinct spectral feature can allow for the direct measurement of the conformal Hubble rate at which the phase transition … Read More

Heavy-ion collision experiments provide unprecedented access to the physics of the deconfined phase of QCD, the quark-gluon plasma. A crucial part of this program is using the modified properties of jets in heavy-ion collisions as a probe of the plasma they pass through. I will give a brief introduction on the theory and modelling of parton energy loss and jet … Read More

Abstract: For two decades, neutrino physics has witnessed an accumulation of anomalies reported by short-baseline oscillation measurements. As a new generation of experiments is beginning to resolve these anomalies, we comment on the current status of these anomalies, focusing in particular on the MiniBooNE anomaly in light of recent MicroBooNE results.