Title: Stochastic gravitational wave anisotropies: a new window into multi-field inflation Abstract: Anisotropies of cosmological observables contain valuable information about the primordial fluctuations, famously illustrated by the CMB. One such observable could be a Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB) from a first-order phase transition in the early universe, which will necessarily have anisotropies analogous to the CMB. In multi-field inflationary … Read More

Title: Cosmic Dawn: The next frontier in cosmology Abstract: The last decades have firmly established the existence of a dark sector of our universe. Yet, details of its particle content have thus far evaded all laboratory probes. In this talk I will describe how the cosmic-dawn era, during which the first galaxies formed, holds a wealth of complementary information about … Read More

Title: Gravitational Waves from Incomplete Inflationary Phase Transitions Abstract: We study the observable implications of an incomplete first order phase transition during inflation. In such a phase transition, the nucleated bubbles do not percolate and instead are continuously produced until the onset of reheating. The process creates an inhomogeneity with a distinct power spectrum that depends on both the physics of … Read More

Title: Thoroughly AMSB QCD Abstract: Recently it has been demonstrated that anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB) is a valuable tool for understanding the low-energy phases of non-SUSY gauge theories. For example, applying AMSB to SUSY SU(N) gauge theories with quarks in the fundamental leads to scalar potentials with chiral symmetry breaking minima. Furthermore, the application of AMSB to a class of … Read More

Title: A Path to Detecting Self-Interacting Dark Matter using Astrophysical Sub-Structure Abstract: Dark matter self interactions can leave distinctive signatures on the properties of satellite galaxies around Milky Way-like hosts. By analyzing a number of Milky Way dwarf galaxies, we were able to place new constraints on models of self-interacting dark matter which interact via a Yukawa potential. The results push the … Read More

Rare B-meson decays are powerful probes to test the Standard Model (SM). Recent measurements of several observables in both $b\to s ll$ and $b \to c l \nu$ transitions have shown tensions with the corresponding SM predictions. These tensions between theoretical and experimental results are called B-anomalies. I provide improved SM predictions for the exclusive rare processes $B \to K^{(∗)}\mu\mu$ … Read More

Abstract: The latest measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment by the Fermilab Muon g-2 collaboration has increased the tension with the most precise and reliable calculation of this quantity in the Standard Model to more than 4 sigma. I will discuss a number of different solutions that have been proposed in the literature to explain this discrepancy, and consider … Read More