Mark Van Raamsdonk (UBC) “Holo-ween”

Seminar Organizer

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Abstract: We argue that given holographic CFT1 in some state with a dual spacetime geometry M, and given some other holographic CFT2, we can find states of CFT2 whose dual geometries closely approximate arbitrarily large causal patches of M, provided that CFT1 and CFT2 can be non-trivially coupled at an interface. Our CFT2 states are “dressed up as” states of CFT1: they are obtained from the original CFT1 state by a
Euclidean quench defined by a Euclidean path-integral with an interface between CFT2 and CFT1 at a short time in the Euclidean past. Our results are consistent with the idea that the precise microscopic degrees of freedom and Hamiltonian of a holographic CFT are only important in fixing the asymptotic behavior of a dual spacetime, while the interior
spacetime of a region spacelike separated from a boundary time slice is determined by more universal properties (such as entanglement structure) of the quantum state at that time. Our picture requires that low-energy gravitational theories related to CFTs that can be non-trivially coupled at an interface are part of the same non-perturbative theory of quantum gravity.