Hitoshi Murayama (UCB) “Some Exact Results in QCD-like and Chiral Gauge Theories”

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Abstract: I present some exact results in vector-like and chiral gauge theories. They can be solved exactly when supersymmetric gauge theories are perturbed by anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB), thanks to the UV-insensitivity of AMSB. For vector-like SO and Sp gauge theories, a wide variety of Seiberg’s results collapse to simple chiral symmetry breaking. They appear to connect to non-SUSY limits without a phase transition. For vector-like SU gauge theories, there are other possible baryon-number violating minima, which do not carry over to non-SUSY limits. I discuss our current understanding on this case. Our results for chiral gauge theories do not agree with what had been suggested by tumbling. We suggest alternative schemes of tumbling-like interpretations. 
