Iván Mauricio Burbano Aldana (UC Berkeley) “Applications of the Loop-String-Hadron Formalism to Fully Gauge Fixed Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theory”
Abstract: Quantum computers promise to provide a leap in our ability to numerically explore quantum field theories (QFTs). The change in nature between quantum computation and classical computation however requires us to develop new ways of understanding our QFTs which are more suitable for the former. In particular, formulations which are Hamiltonian in nature, gauge invariant, and whose Hilbert space … Read More
Reuven Balkin (UCSC) “Probing the CP properties of ALP couplings using 3-body neutral kaon decays”
Abstract: Flavor probes, in particular rare kaon decays, provide some of the strongest constraints on ALP couplings. Rare neutral kaon decays also provide a unique probe to the CP properties of ALP couplings. In this talk I will present a first calculation of the 3-body neutral kaon decay rates, first showing how the required flavor- and CP-violating couplings are generated from … Read More
4D Seminar: Andrea Giovanni De Marchi (University of Bologna) “Did IceCube detect Dark Matter around Blazars?”
Abstract: I will explore the promising potential of blazars — active galactic nuclei with relativistic jets pointed towards Earth — as ideal laboratories for studying sub-GeV Dark Matter phenomenology. Specifically, I will discuss how blazar-boosted Dark Matter could be detected by neutrino experiments, as well as the recently proposed idea that the 2017 detection of a high-energy neutrino from the … Read More
4D Seminar: Christiane Scherb (UCB) “Future colliders for the win”
With the recommendation of the P5 panel for “an aggressive R&D program that, while technologically challenging, could yield revolutionary accelerator designs that chart a realistic path to a 10 TeV pCM collider” multiple future collider options are discussed within the HEP community. Several (less discussed) options, such as same sign lepton or photon colliders, are currently being explored in Berkeley … Read More
4D Seminar: Chia-Hsien Shen (National Taiwan University) “New Structures in Renormalization Group from Fundamental Principles”
Abstract: Renormalization group (RG) evolution is a fundamental feature of quantum field theory, playing a pivotal role in both its formal structures and phenomenological applications in particle physics and beyond. While the framework for calculating RG flows is well established, unexpected patterns continue to emerge. In this talk, I will leverage fundamental principles—unitarity and analyticity—to constrain a large sector of … Read More
4D Seminar: John Terning (UC Davis) “The Seiberg-Witten Axion”
There has been a recent controversy over whether the photon-axion coupling is quantized (in appropriate units) or not. It was claimed that this was a deep theorem but counter-examples seemed to show otherwise resulting in an “academic discussion” in which the participants could not come to a shared conclusion. In this talk I will examine the axion hidden in the … Read More
4D Seminar: Claudio Andrea Mazari (UCB) “Strong CP and Flavor”
Abstract: I will discuss a class of multi-Higgs doublet extensions of the Standard Model that solves the strong CP problem with profound consequences for the flavor sector. A flavor symmetry, G, that acts on Higgs and quark fields is a key feature of these theories. CP and G are only softly broken in the scalar potential, so that for certain choices of G charges, the strong CP parameter is … Read More
Manthos Karydas ( LBNL,Berkeley) “On the quantum mechanics of entropic forces”
Abstract: It has been conjectured that the gravitational interaction may arise as an entropic force rather than as a result of virtual quanta exchange of a fundamental field. In this talk I will present a set of microscopic quantum models which realize this idea in detail. I will describe a simple mechanism by which Newton’s law of gravity arises from the … Read More