Thomas Creutzig (U. Of Alberta) “Triality of W-algebras”

Seminar Organizer


A vertex algebra is the chiral algebra of a two-dimensional conformal field theory and appears in many exciting problems. W-algebras are the broadest class of these and they are associated to certain data of Lie superalgebras. These W-algebras and their representation categories appear as invariants of 4-dimensional gauge theories and dualities of physics translate into isomorphisms of vertex algebras and equivalences of representation categories of these algebras.

I aim to give an overview of the current understanding of the topic, including a new general triality Theorem by Andrew Linshaw and myself.

2) There is a new Western Hemisphere Colloquium on Geometry and Physics (WHCGP), on “even” Mondays at noon.

From the announcement:
“This biweekly online colloquium features geometers and
physicists presenting current research on a wide range of topics in the interface
of the two fields. The talks are aimed at a broad audience. They will take place
via Zoom on alternate Mondays at 3pm Eastern, noon Pacific, 4pm BRT. (There
will be no lecture on May 25, Memorial Day in the USA.) Each session features a
60 minute talk, followed by 15 minutes for questions and discussion. You may
join the meeting 15 minutes in advance. Questions and comments may be
submitted to the moderator via the chat interface during the talk, or presented
in person during the Q&A session. These colloquia will be recorded and will be
available on the WHCGP website asap after the event.”