Tomer Volansky (IAS) “Recent Results from the Light Dark Matter Frontier”

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The existence of dark matter has been well established with overwhelming evidence, but its particle identity is still unknown. For more than three decades, significant theoretical and experimental efforts have been directed towards the search for a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP), often overlooking other possibilities. The lack of an unambiguous positive WIMP signal, at both indirect- and direct-detection experiments and at the LHC, stresses the need to expand dark matter research into additional theoretical scenarios and, more importantly, to develop new experimental capabilities that go beyond the limitations of WIMP detection. In this talk I will report on new theoretical, observational and experimental results related to light dark matter in the keV to GeV mass range, including results from the new SENSEI direct detection experiment and the dark matter interpretation of the recent global 21cm measurement.