ABSTRACT: It was shown by M.Aganagic and A.Okounkov that the relative insertions in the quantum K-theory of Nakajima varieties are equivalent to non-singular descendent insertions. Among other things, this result leads to integral representation for solutions of qKZ equations and explicit description of the Bethe vectors.      From representation theoretic viewpoint, the result of Aganagic-Okoukov deals with the “slope” zero … Read More

3d N=4 gauge theories admit two topological twists, “A” and “B”, which are expected to give rise to extended TQFT’s. Aspects of these TQFT’s are starting to be defined mathematically. My goal in this talk is to discuss recent developments in understanding line operators (the value of the TQFT’s on a circle), which are expected to form a dg braided … Read More