Abstract: In almost all situations, the twist of a supersymmetric QFT has the structure of a holomorphic QFT. I’ll review general aspects of holomorphic QFT while drawing parallels to the familiar situation of chiral CFT. I will then define a holomorphic model which we propose describes the minimal twist of the six-dimensional superconformal theory associated to the Lie algebra sl(2). … Read More

Abstract: In this talk I will explain how 3d mirror symmetry predicts an equivalence between 2-categories associated to dual pairs of hyperkahler quotients. The first 2-category is of an algebro-geometric flavor and was described by Kapustin/Rozansky/Saulina. The second category depends on symplectic topology and has a conjectural description in terms of the 3d generalized Seiberg-Witten equations. Both of these 2-categories are expected … Read More