Abstract : I will report an on-going joint project with Hanany and Finkelberg. We identify Coulomb branches of orthosymplectic quiver gauge theories with orthosymplectic bow varieties. Then we use this identification to realize closures of nilpotent orbits for SO, and more as Coulomb branches.

Abstract: High-pT tails of Drell-Yan processes can provide a useful complementary probe of semi-leptonic interactions compared to low-energy observables and electroweak precision tests. For this purpose, we provide a general decomposition of the pp → lν and pp → ll scattering amplitudes in terms of form-factors that we match to specific scenarios, such as the Standard Model Effective Field Theory … Read More

I will give an update on the dictionary between the representations of quantum toroidal algebras and branes of Type IIB string theory. I will argue that brane crossings correspond to R-matrices, of which the “degenerate resolved conifold” is one example. A more interesting example is given by the “Hanany-Witten R-matrix”, for which the brane creation effect and Hanany-Witten rules become … Read More