String Math Seminar: Gleb Aminov (Stony Brook University) “What languages do black holes speak?”

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Abstract: Like many physical objects, under smallperturbations, black holes possess the property of vibrating at discretecharacteristic frequencies (known as QNM frequencies). They are complex anddepend on the type of black hole and the boundary conditions imposed on theperturbation.

As we anticipate “hearing” these frequenciesthrough new experiments more distinctly, it becomes essential to understandtheir mathematical structure better or, in other words, learn the”language” of black holes. Of course, there is no single”language” for many different regimes where the perturbations arestudied. In this talk, we will present one language that covers a wide range ofregimes for four-dimensional Schwarzschild black holes in three differentbackgrounds (flat, dS, and AdS).


Based on:



3) G. Aminov and P. Arnaudo, Work in progress

Short Bio: Gleb Aminov, Ph.D. Candidate at Stony BrookUniversity. My advisers are Zohar Komargodski and Martin Rocek.

Most recently, I’ve been interested in black holeperturbation theory and studying quasinormal modes.

In particular, my co-authors and I are developing newanalytic approaches to computing QNMs using methods from quantum mechanics andSUSY gauge theories.