Some recent invited talks:
- Flavor physics in the LHC era
Physics at the Dawn of
the LHC Era, TRIUMF, Vancouver, Jan 27-29, 2011
- BaBar, Simba, and Dark Matter
BaBar Collaboration Meeting, SLAC, Jan 24, 2011
- Physics reach of future flavor experiments
FPCP 2010,
Torino, May 25-29, 2010
- Summary Discussion
Joint Workshop on |Vub| and |Vcb|,
SLAC, Oct 29-31, 2009
- Theoretical status of |Vxb|
Beauty 2009 Conference,
Heidelberg, Sep 7-11, 2009
- Inclusive |Vub| unlimited
SCET 2009 Workshop,
MIT, Mar 24-26, 2009
- Radiative electroweak B decays
Hints for new physics in flavor
decays, KEK, Mar 20-21, 2009
- Flavor Physics in the LHC Era
Pheno 2008, Madison, Apr 28-30, 2008
- Theoretical Motivation for Super B Factories
Subpanel Meeting, SLAC, Feb 21-23, 2008
- B Physics: Past and Present
ARGUS Symposium, 20 years of B
meson mixing, Hamburg, Nov 9, 2007
- Learning from b->s l+ l- effectively
on Flavour Dynamics, Albufeira, Nov 3-10, 2007;
CKM 2006 workshop,
Nagoya, Dec 13, 2006
- Mixing and CP violation in D and Bs mixing
FPCP 2007,
Bled, May 14, 2007
- Flavor Theory
Joint Meeting of Pacific Region Particle Physics Communities,
Honolulu, Oct 29 - Nov 3, 2006
- Why Super-B?
Third Workshop on a Super
Flavor Factory,
SLAC, Jun 14-16, 2006
- Annihilation in charmless B decays
First Workshop on Theory,
Phenomenology and Experiments in heavy flavour physics, Capri,
May 29-31 2006
- several talks...
Vxb workshop,
Melbourne, Jan 28-29, 2006
- Who needs SCET in B -> Xs l+ l- ?
Flavor in the era of the
LHC, CERN, Nov 9, 2005
- The CKM matrix and CP violation (in the continuum
Lattice 2005, Dublin, July 28, 2005
- Heavy Flavor Physics (2 lectures)
Frontiers in Contemporary
Physics, May 27, 2005
- SM uncertainties in some CP
asymmetries related to sin(2beta)
CKM 2005 workshop, UCSD, March 15, 2005
- Issues in semileptonic B decays
Vub / shape function workshop, Dec 11, 2004
- The CKM matrix and CP violation
32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics
(ICHEP'04), Beijing, Aug 20, 2004
- Measuring alpha/phi2 from B -> rho rho
Super B Factory Workshop in Hawaii, Jan 20, 2004
- SU(3) relations and the CP asymmetries in
b -> s sbar s decays
KEK Physics Seminar, Sep 30, 2003
- Sides of the Unitarity Triangle with a
(few) dozen GB's
5th Workshop on Higher Luminosity B Factory, Sep 25, 2003
- Vub and Vcb: theoretical developments
Flavor Physics & CP Violation (FPCP 2003), June 5, 2003
- Inclusive Vcb: what's the limit?
Ringberg Phenomenology Workshop on Heavy Flavors, April 27, 2003
- Theoretical Perspectives on Flavor Physics and
CP violation
DPF Invited Session at the
APS April Meeting,
Philadelphia, April 5, 2003
- Status and future of flavor physics and CP
"National Seminar" at NIKHEF, Amsterdam, Feb 14, 2003
- Introduction to Heavy Meson Decays and CP
Asymmetries (3 lectures)
Institute: Secrets of the B Meson, August 5-7, 2002
- D-Dbar Mixing
Rencontres de Moriond, Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories,
March 10, 2002
9th International Symposium
on Heavy Flavor Physics, September 12, 2001
- New Results on Flavor Physics
International Europhysics Conference
on High Energy Physics, July 17, 2001
- Super-BaBar Physics
Babar (phone) meeting, May 21, 2001
- What can we hope to learn with
half an attobarn-1?
Babar Collaboration Meeting, April 25, 2001
- B Physics at the Tevatron
Fermilab Users' Meeting, June 27, 2000
- Theoretical Perspectives on CP Violation
in the B System
April Meeting of the
American Physical Society, May 2, 2000